If you have any questions or need help while we finalize our website, please call us at 952-843-4149.

Outpatient Centers:

Alcohol and Drug Treatment in Minnetonka, Minnesota

EOSIS in Minnetonka, MN is a licensed adult outpatient addiction treatment program, providing safe, caring, confidential care. Here, we help men and women, ages 18 and older, with substance use issues through multiple evidence-based therapeutic treatments—tailored to every individual.

EOSIS Minnetonka:

Co-Ed Outpatient Addiction Treatment Facility

Our outpatient addiction treatment programs are tailored to engage, motivate, and educate individuals on a personal level. We offer a combination of group and individual therapy, educational sessions, skill-building workshops, and effective relapse prevention strategies to support long-term recovery. For your convenience, our intensive outpatient program is offered on the following days and times:

– Monday through Thursday from 9 AM to Noon

Virtual Intensive Outpatient Program

The EOSIS virtual intensive outpatient program is perfect for those that can’t get to an in-person program. The program is available to anyone who resides in Minnesota who has a computer, tablet or phone with internet access and can be in a private setting. You get the same treatment as you would our in-person programs but from the comfort of your own space. Programming is Monday through Thursday from 9 a – noon. Insurance covers the cost of this program and EOSIS is in-network with most insurance companies.

Treatment Services

Group Counseling Sessions. Types of Groups May Include:

Our Staff


I liked the flexibility and emphasis on finding an individual path

“You really learn a lot about yourself and others”

“I loved Everyone.  The people. They were understanding”

“Everyone is very supportive and respectful, helpful”

“The staff was amazing and I found it extremely helpful to learn about what the science behind addiction as well as the life planning style of the program.”

“I liked having the ability to recover my own way. Having support with my decisions I believe will help me and a deeper understanding of my overall addiction and mental health issues.”

“I liked the emphasis on internal motivations and life planning. I took away great tools regarding aspects of both”

“This has been the most helpful/best program in my experience-respectful, practical/applicable information to keep my recovery/life filled with purpose, hope and momentum-moving in a positive direction”

“I appreciated the information regarding the science around addiction. Talks about communication and relationships and how addiction can and does affect them both.”

“The neuroscience education was KEY to helping me understand the “why” of addiction. The community and education was great!”

“I liked the assignments. The discussions, I always felt comfortable sharing my troubles, experiences, and feelings and my counselor. Group conversations were great.”

Additional Resources